
10 Valuable Tips To Follow To Maintain Healthy Joints

With age, it is quite common for both men and women to develop weak bones and experience joint pains. Mobility is reduced significantly, thus compelling many elderly people to stay indoors. They feel it painful to even walk from their bed to the bathroom and back. Healthy joints are essential to stay mobile while you age. But the truth is that it is not possible to avoid health condones like arthritis or prevent injury. However, there are certain things that you may undertake immediately to protect your joints and ensure it is strong and mobile. Only then will you be able to enjoy life and move around without feeling the unbearable pain or requiring a walking stick.

Valuable Tips To Follow

You may consider taking the best joint support supplement as prescribed by your doctor. This can help strengthen your joints and ensure proper movement at all times, without the pain. Health experts recommend following the following steps to ensure healthy joints.

  1. Keep moving: You need to lead an active lifestyle right from your young age. Instead of using your bike you may choose to walk to the market or the shop. Staying active will help reduce joint stiffness and keep it in good shape. Move often throughout the day while avoiding being at a single or sitting position for a long time. You may practice low-impact exercise like swimming, walking, stretching, strength training, cycling, etc. This will ensure mobile joints and also shed extra pounds. Do remember to protect your joints with proper gears while exercising to avoid serious injuries.
  2. Healthy weight: Being obese or overweight is only likely to place additional strain on your weight being joints like the back, hips, ankles and knees. Arthritis Foundation states that excess weight of every pound is likely to cause additional pressure of about 4 pounds on the weight-bearing joints. You need to achieve as well as maintain healthy weight. Also reduce stress amount on the joints to reduce/eliminate joint damage.
  3. Correct posture: It is only appropriate posture that can help prevent stress on the joints. It also reduces serious injury risks to the muscles in the region. When performing repetitive motions, standing and sitting do take care of your posture. Also maintain extreme precaution when lifting or carrying heavy items. This will safeguard you from painful joint damage or injury.
  4. Stay strong: Your joints can enjoy greater stability and support only with strong bones and muscles. Strength training exercises should be part of your daily regimen. They can help develop muscles while protecting your joints and allowing you to be mobile. Strength training should include a few core-strengthening exercises. Doing them regularly can help avoid problems with accidents, falls and balance that otherwise might lead to serious joint injuries. You should also practice weight-bearing exercises like running or walking to strengthen your muscles and bones. Also consider taking supplements for joints and ligaments after discussing with your doctor.
  5. Walk a lot: According to health experts, walking can help you to stay active and be fit. Brisk walking can help. Wear good walking shoes having good arch support and padded soles. Avoid using ankle or hand weights as they may cause injuries. You may walk indoors to avoid poor weather. Using treadmill is also a wonderful option.
  6. Healthy diet: You can lose excess weight and improve joint health by consuming healthy items. Leann proteins can help develop strong muscles. Foods rich in Vitamin D and Calcium can make your bones strong. Include fortified and dairy products to your regular diet. If you like fish, then include Mackerel and Salmon as they are rich in Omega-e fatty acids. It can help reduce joint inflammation. Also include other foods like olive oil, tomatoes, nuts, berries and green leafy vegetables to reduce inflammation. You should discuss with your health provider to know if it is fine to take joint support supplement.
  7. Strengthen your core: You can perform certain exercises to work your trunk as well as strengthen your core. It should be done 2/3 days a week. They are as follows:
    • Push-ups: Begin with one set of 10 while increasing with improvement. Keep butt and abs tight all the time. Use modified position if deemed essential.
    • Curl-Ups: Begin with three sets of 15. First lie with bent knees and flat feet on floor. Then curl up slowly from shoulders and head. Clear shoulder blades form floor to curl back down.
    • Side Plank: To do this exercise, lie on to your right side. Then raise legs and body off the ground. Plant firmly your foot, forearm and elbow. Body is to be in straight line right from foot to head. Extend upwards your left arm and hold it for about thirty seconds. Repeat the procedure on each side for three times.
  8. Stretch after workout: With age, your muscles start to lose its flexibility, thus resulting in serious injuries. While warm stretching muscles after exercise can help avoid joint issues. In case, you feel stiff, then during warm-up, stretch your legs and hands. Stretch 3 to 5 times, each muscle and hold for about 30 to 60 seconds.
  9. Low-impact cardio: Regular cardio work is known to lubricate the joints while strengthening the muscles in the surrounding region. It also improves circulation, controls weight, thereby easing stress on ankles, knees and hips. Low impact exercises such as biking, or swimming are excellent choices for those suffering form joint issues. It places less stress upon the joints unlike high-impact activities such as kickboxing and running. Aerobic exercise can be performed 3-5 days in a week for about 30 to 60 minutes.
  10. Avoid exercise-related injuries: Before you start your exercise, be it low or high impact, do aim to warm up your body for about 5 minutes. This allows your muscles to get prepared for intense exercise, thereby reducing injuries. Use protective equipment while playing sports or exercising. Wear protective athletic shoes and pads that are perfect fitting. It can help avoid knees injuries while reducing chances of experiencing joint issues as you age.

You may also consider taking supplements for joints and ligaments, but after getting suggestions from your doctor.