
Are you combining your food scientifically?

Are you combining your food scientifically?

Steps to right food combining:

  • 70% of your meals should be made of water-rich foods ( sprouts, vegetables, fruits) instead of flooding your body with gallons of water. 
  • Instead of drinking juices right out of cans or glass containers, make your own juices or have the fruits originally. 
  • Consume your fruits always on an empty stomach and not with or after meals. Fruits are digested in the small intestine and not the stomach. Fruits are meant to go directly through the stomach to the intestines where it releases sugars, but if there is already food in your stomach it gets trapped and ferments.
  • Have one condensed food at a time. 
  • Don’t drink liquids immediately after meals.
Collagen for better Skin & Hair Health.

Collagen for better Skin & Hair Health.

Everything Collagen does for you:

  • It makes your bones tough competitors.
  • Aging makes your bones prone to easily breaking as a result of losing its density and also takes longer to heal than at a young age. Collagen helps slow down the aging process that makes your bones weaker and hence make your bones denser.

  • Bye-Bye rigid and dehydrate skin.
  • With a good amount of collagen in your body, your skin will refuse to be rigid and dehydrated. It might also lessen the wrinkles caused on dry skin by keeping it beautifully hydrated.

  • It makes sure you can flip your hair in style.
  • Aging doesn’t make anyone happy and one of its effects is the thinning of hair. We bet Rupunzal didn’t have this issue because of the good amount of collagen protecting them. One can observe a significant amount of improvement in the volume, scalp coverage and quality of hair with just a little help from Collagen.

  • Nail Bitter’s better watch it.
  • If you are one of those people who find their nails to be broken down pretty easily and never understand Cardi- B’s long nails secret? Well, those nails might be fake but it is possible to maintain faster nail growth and less broken or chipped nails. Nope, we are not talking about expensive manicures but just the right dosage of collagen instead.

  • Won’t let your knees lose it.
  • Osteoporosis, heavy word right? Don’t worry, Collagen understands it just right. Collagen holds a reputation of helping people with Knee Osteoporosis to mildly relieve the pain and hence improve the function of the joint.

  • It Makes sure you look like you come from a well eating family.
  • Of course, for this you cannot depend on collagen alone, but if it is combined with the right strength training your body can be helped increase muscle mass and strength.

  • All we ever want is better metabolism right?
  • Glycine, Glutamine and arginine are the main amino acids that make up collagen, these help maintain a healthy metabolism. Your central nervous system stays healthy with collagen, what else do you need for that vitality to run though your system right?

  • Happy Gut Happy Life
  • Collagen can be a major help for people constantly suffering from a leaky gut or bowel diseases. We think this far you know that flexibility is the talent collagen is famous for, this is how it helps you reduce inflammation and protect the very delicate lining of your intestines. Collagen will make sure you aren’t constipated in your gut and your word on that date, or feel bloated on that important morning presentation.